Men’s Bible Study

The Next Step Ministries 412 Willow Alley, Reynoldsville, PA, United States

Men’s Bible Study

The Next Step Ministries 412 Willow Alley, Reynoldsville, PA, United States

Family Christmas Party

Temple Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 590 Lincoln Drive, DuBois, PA, United States

Please join us for a night of family fun, fellowship, and food.  Sandwiches will be provided. Please sign up to bring a soup or dessert and bring a gift to exchange if you want to be a part of the "White Elephant" gift exchange.

Family Christmas Party

Temple Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 590 Lincoln Drive, DuBois, PA, United States

Please join us for a night of family fun, fellowship, and food.  Sandwiches will be provided. Please sign up to bring a soup or dessert and bring a gift to exchange if you want to be a part of the "White Elephant" gift exchange.

Women’s Bible Study

The Next Step Ministries 412 Willow Alley, Reynoldsville, PA, United States

Women’s Bible Study

The Next Step Ministries 412 Willow Alley, Reynoldsville, PA, United States

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Temple Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 590 Lincoln Drive, DuBois, PA, United States

Come join us for food and fellowship>

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Temple Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 590 Lincoln Drive, DuBois, PA, United States

Come join us for food and fellowship>